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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  October 30, 2011 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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tune in next saturday night at midnight for the next "24/7, pacquiao-marquez" and don't miss the fight on november 12th, on hbo pay per view. this has been a presentation of hbo sports. right now, on cnn, bloody war. more than a dozen troops killed. how? a passenger car packed with explosives. where? kabul, a military convoy. who? the taliban. tonight the u.s. respond. >> camera two on don. >> and under fire -- syrian jets pound a major city. tanks open fire pulverizing the building and the explosive video in minutes.
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plus, a band keeps a promise after this horrible stage collapse, and tonight their tribute performance. and funny man darrell hammond gets serious. >> stabbing, beating, electrocuting. >> and how his past led him to the mental ward all while taping "saturday night live." it is all right here on cnn. thank you for joining us. i'm don lemon in in "cnn newsroom." right now protest occupiers in denver, colorado, face to face with the riot police. police say they use non-lethal agents including mace and pepper balls when the protesters tried to enter the state capitol. this affiliate is from kusa, and
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more than half a dozen people were arrested and police say that one officer was knocked off of his motorcycle and two officers were kicked in the head by demonstrators, but one of the protesters says it was not like that. >> the only thing that happened is that they asked to us take a tent down and some kid was standing too close to him and they started to attack people and spraying people with mace and arresting them. we did nothing. this is a peaceful protest and they are trying to attack us like we are in a third world country. >> let's talk to tanner who joins us by phone. thank you for joining us. you are okay? >> yeah, absolutely. i avoided the police as much as i could. >> tell us what you saw. you took this picture that we are seeing right there, right? >> yes, and the police sent in the riot police to take down a
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tarp in between two trees. and then one of the senior officers fell on to one of the protesters and they essentially wrestled on the ground a little bit and the police used pepper spray and automatic rifles with pepper spray bullets at the protesters. >> were the occupy denver folks trying to rush or get into the capitol? >> no, absolutely not. i was leading that march, and we were wanting to speak on the steps of the building. >> so, they said that you tried to get into the capitol, police said that you tried to get into the capitol and they had to use these non-lethal methods to prevent you from doing that? >> that is quite frankly a lie. we wanted to continue the march and talk about the issues on the steps of the capitol and they refused to let us on the steps. >> were you hurt at all in the confrontation? or hit with the pepper balls? >> i was jabbed in the stomach with a baton and i had a police officer grab me, and i was not hit with pepper spray. >> did they give you a rn waning before it happened? >> before they came in to take down the tarps, they did not.
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>> thank you, tanner spindly. we are glad you are okay. we will talk to the lieutenant of the denver police department. lieutenant murray, he was therele earlier today when that happened and again, they are saying that one of the officers was rushed, and another one, two others were kicked in this demonstration. and we heard from tanner spindly who was one of the protesters there who took the picture of the man you saw on the ground. now to lieutenant murray, and what happened? one of the protesters who was there said that the police started to rush the occupy dem stray or thes and shooting them with pepper balls and usinging harsh force. >> well, it may have been his perspective, but what happened is that after the protesters refused to comply with the lawful order, we went in to take down their tents, and several officers were attacked, and they responded with force and called other officers in. i'm not sure what the witness'
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perspective was, but they were attacked and had to respond. >> so they are saying that they were not trying to get into the capitol because the initial response of the denver police department is that they were trying to get into capitol and therefore they had to go to these means. lieutenant murray, can you hear ne? >> i can hear you. can you hear me? >> yes. >> so we had protesters rushing up to the capitol property, and state police came back and that is how this whole thing started. >> what do you think of what the police department did if you look at the video of the officers, do you think that they were in compliance with rules that normal rules used in the situation? >> absolutely. i think that, don, you have to look at the restraint that the officers used and one of the things they don't know if the viewers are getting the full perspective. if you are there for any time at all, you can hear what the people are yelling and getting in the officers' faces, and
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again, our officers responded in a way that did not cause us any embarrassment or violate any type of -- >> so, lieutenant, we are having trouble with the lieutenant's phone, and you can still hear me, right? >> yes, i can hear you. >> so, listenlisten, one police officer was knocked off of a motorcycle and two others kicked in the face. do you know how they are? >> yes, they are going to be fine. >> thank you, lieutenant. >> you bet. >> and another state of emergency in new jersey and massachusetts and connecticut, an early winter snowstorm has crippleded the northeast and nearly 1 million customers without power right now. heavy wet snow has split trees and made the travel extremely hazardous and at least two deaths are blamed on the storm. cnn's meteorologist chad meyers
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is in york, pennsylvania, and jacqui jeras with us here as well as susan candiotti. is the snow falling where you are, chad? >> no, it has stopped. that is not the story, because right now it is freezing. the temperatures have dropped below freezing, so what is on the ground is crusting offand now the roadways are slicker than they were a couple of hours ago. >> all of the weight from the snow on the trees and the ice is splitting maples and bradford pears and different trees around the house. so our whole development of 170 homes in the subdivision is completely black right now. so we are out trying to get something warm and get something to eat and take something back to my wife. >> this is better than a month or two ago with the floods. so i think that was actually worse than this. this is just unexpected for everybody. it has been what, since '72
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since we had snow in this area, so it is unexpected, but it is almost a little bit of a treat, too. and hopefully this is it, and we are done for test are of the season. >> we lost power a couple of hours ago and a lot of branches breaking and the powerlines are disrupted for sure. >> and don, i wanted to take you to the snow. it is heavy and packs great together, but the heaviness is the problem. earlier this tree was completely covered in snow, and then we talked about how the wind would pick up, and it did. but what happened is that the wind knocked the snow off of the trees and so we won't lose more powerlines today, but what was basically an empty hotel ten hours ago is now full of families who don't have power. they don't want the 2 or 3 or 4-year-olds home without power or heat, so they have checked into the local hotels, and the restaurant that is behind us expected it to be empty tonight, but without power people weren't
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cooking so they went out to drive around and came here for a hot meal. >> thank you, chad myers, we have gotten word in that three people are dead because of the storm, and 1.8 million people without power as chad meyers is reporting. thank you very much. the wintry storm is causing misery for the occupy wall streeters in lower manhattan, and susan candiotti found people hunkered down in their tents. >> reporter: the medic just came through here who is a volunteer herself is armed with styrofoam that is to be waterproof boards and she is handing it out to people. >> do you want -- >> no, go away. >> reporter: they are offering to give out more things to people, and as you heard some people don't want it. we caught up to the medic here. >> anyone home?
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do you guys want to slide insulation under the tent? okay. >> reporter: puddles all over the place. slush from the rain. >> you have to be careful about hypothermia and frostbite and dealing with the elements for an extended period of time. >> reporter: organizers are asking anyone who can't take the conditions anymore to meet up to one location and they will be taken to a homeless shelter and we have seen some people taken away by ambulance. >> excuse me. pardon me. >> susan candiotti joining us now from stucotti park. was that park part of that area? >> well, it is not applying to that, because they are calling
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it a advisory for most of the city parks, but this is a privately-owned park. and the main worry is that a lot of the parks have old trees with heavy branches and fortunately at this one, these are fairly young trees, so if the branches fell, if they fell at all, i don't think they would do as much damage as they would in a lot of other, parks in the city that have been around a lot longer than that one. for the most part, don, people are hunkered down in the tents for now. >> and they are staying put. thank you, susan candiotti. we saw the radar next to her, and let's talk about that with cnn's jacqui jeras, our meteorologist. so 1.8 million people without power and we are told that three people are dead now because of the storm. >> yes, the danger is tonight into tomorrow morning unfortunately. the height of the storm is over with in places like washington, d.c. and baltimore and
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philadelphia and new york maybe until the midnight until it gets better, but we have a long ways to go for parts of new england as the heavy snow continues to come down and the winds are going to stay very, very strong. this map will show you until 10:00 in the morning, southern new england will dry up and then we will see maine drying up. better conditions are expected, but the snowfall totals are extremely impressive. a foot and a half in plainfield, massachusetts. and pennsylvania, 16 inches and in parts of maryland 11.5. you will continue to see the problems with the temperatures freezing things tonight, but tomorrow, temperatures will be in the 40s and the 50s. don? >> thank you, jacqui jeras. today, a nasty day in afghanistan. a suicide bomber hits a convoy, and there are apparently american casualties. and we will go to syria and other global hotspots, next.
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a very dark day for american forces in kabul. several soldiers are believed to be among the victims in the afghan capital. we have nic robertson with us from kabul. what is the latest? what do you know, nic? >> well, it is the following day at dawn, and yesterday in kabul, a car packed with explosives came in hitting a convoy and hit a bus carrying a number of nato personnel.
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these armored vehicles are known to shift people around the capital here, and we understand from isaf that eight civilians were kill and five military personnel were killed and the canadian saying that one of the military dead is one of their soldiers, but a u.s. official telling cnn stateside 13 americans were killed. >> all right. so that the nationalities of the victims yet, are they not completely set on than? do they know for sure? is this the final word on that? >> well, isaf does not discuss it here, and they let the host countries do that, but in this case, there is a discrepancy of whether they were all americans, and there appears to be a canadian death here, and obviously, the situation is fluid on the ground and perhaps a testament to the severity of the blast here, don. >> and not the only attack in afghanistan today, unfortunately?
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>> absolutely. two others to mention which would have been yesterday here in afghanistan. one up in the northeast of the country where a woman wearing a burqa age 25 detonating a device attached to her outside of the afghan intelligence center, an second attack in kandahar in the south where two isaf officers were shot after a man wearing a afghan uniform turned his weapon on them, and the motivation not there, and afghan officer there said that the people killed were australian and that is not a fact that isaf will confirm for us. >> thank you, nic. security forces are going after anti-government demonstrators with lethal firepower. arwa damon has the latest. >> don, the focus of the most recent offensive appears to be the neighborhood of the city in syria where he heard of head
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jets at 9:00 in the morning and then tanks opened fire indiscriminantly, and began to target people's windows an balconies. this particular neighborhood is well known as being one of the main epicenters of anti-government activity in the city of homs, and it is effectively under siege for weeks, but it is also one of the major flash points of clashes taking place between the syrian security forces and defactors who call themselves the free syrian army. according to the observatory for human rights, 20 loyalist troops were killed in the clashes and 53 injured. activists report casualties among civilians. other parts of the country saw heavy military crackdowns such as two other provinces. it appears that the longer this
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conflict drags on, the more violent it becomes, and the greater risk that activists say is evidence toward a civil war. and coming up is darrell hammond and raw and uncut and not talking about the comedy. >> stabbing, beating, being electrocuted and stuff like that. >> he revealed it all to, and we have the exclusive excerpts from his interview coming up.
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remember darrell hammond, once part of "saturday night live", and you know him for the spot-on impressions of president bill clinton. >> you are going to miss me, aren't you? admit it. admit it. >> so watching his talent has made you laugh and the secret that came out this week though, and hearing about his childhood will make you cry. >> when i was a child i was a victim of systematic and lengthy and brutality. i mean, stabbing, beating, being electrocuted and stuff like that. >> with me, i was on as many as seven medications at one time and these doctors didn't know what to do with me. there was cutting backstage and i was once taken to a psyche ward and in fact, the week that i did the gore debates, i believe i went, and i was taken away in a straitjacket, and
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there's no way for people to know about that. >> so joining me right now is a producer who interviewed hammond and he is jared bellini and you brought us the clips that have not been seen in public before. i want you to briefly give me the back story, because you were to do a story on comedy and then it made this dramatic turn. >> yes, we were doing a interview, and then a owner of the punch line comedy said, he will be here in 20 minutes, and you might want to research the book. i thought we would have a few laughs and it quickly turned. >> okay. we will see more of it and the clips that we have not seen and this is when he talks about his present health. >> i'm barely on any meds at all. at all. i'm like on a slight dose of
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welbutrin which half of the country is on because it makes you happy. and that from klonopin and -- >> can i get a shout out for lexapro? >> i never did that. >> and his eyes are darting and mentioning the medications. >> people mentioned that his eyes were darting around, but i think that he was nervous and writing about what happened to him is one thing and talking about it is another thing. that is early on in the interview, and as the interview went on, he was more comfortable and the eyes were darting less, but it was uncomfortable for him to talk about. >> and let's listen to how he has moved on now? >> exacting revenge on your parents is going to be harder than not exacting revenge. the easier, softer way is to walk away from it, and find some way to let go of it, and i have been able to do, but it is not
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like you didn't take a million year and almost a million dollars, because it did. >> how did it cost him $1 million? for being institutionalized and explain that or why his mother abused him in the first place? >> i don't know the particulars of why it cost so much, but we can assume it was medical bills, but as to why the mother did it in the first place he said that when she was on the death bed, he said, she was once a little girl and somebody did something to make her this way, and he was forgiving in a way in the end, so he thinks that something happened to her when she was a kid. >> no excuse for abuse and only she would know why she did it, and i'm asking if something triggered it when he was a child or said something or did something? >> no, he said that it was something that happened and he didn't want to talk about the too much about the particulars. >> it was not all serious and i like when he talks about bill clinton and when people ask him to do bill clinton.
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>> firemen, and i put it on the house, are you the guy who does bill on tv? do some bill for us. there was a college student offered to flash me if i would do clinton for her. >> so you did it? >> i said, well, listen, young lady, that is very sick. that is so [ bleep ] sick. >> he is still a funny man, so what is he doing? >> well, he is a stand-up act and in town the do stand-up at the comedy clubs. >> so, here is the thing, as a journalist though, and i have to ask you, do you believe him? because you know, and you see the eyes and you are there in the room and you get a feeling? >> well, we did put in a request for a comment from "saturday night live", and we have not received anything from them, an unfortunately both of the parents have passed away, so no way to go to them to ask them to back up what he said. so we are kind of forced to take him at his word for it. but sitting there with him in the same room, i did not get the impression that he was making it
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up. he seemed really tortured by everything. >> so, he has a memoir coming out, but we will learn a lot of this, but this came out early, because it was not supposed to be until the push for book that he was to talk about this, and you got a jump on it? >> well, it is an exclusive and i didn't see it coming, and i thought, we will laugh and have some fun and i threw away the notes and said, let's see where this goes. >> thank you, jared bellini, and you can see more on and coming up next, the band sugarland returns to the scene of the collapse. and also, a captain of coast guard ship seizes seven tons of cocaine. wait until you hear the street value on this.
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checking the headlines right now. talk about sailing the high seas. check out this video of the u.s. coast guard unloading seven tons, 15,000 pounds, of cocaine. the coke was seized off a submersible watercraft in central america and worth roughly $180 million. this haul alone equals roughly one-third of all the land based drug seizures in the u.s. for an entire year. there's good news for some of you. jpmorgan chase and wells fargo banks have decided against charging a monthly debit card fee after testing the idea in pilot programs.
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in september, bank of america announced its one $5 a month fee but the backlash has prompted it to also consider changes in that policy. >> we have decided to ground the qantas international and domestic fleets immediately. i repeat, we are grounding the qantas fleet now. >> in a move disrupting travel for thousands, quantus grounded all its aircraft in response to a labor dispute. the airline says it will impose a lockout till an agreement is reached with unions representing air and staff and ground staff. the lockout begins on monday. the grounding of the fleet is immediate. who wins in a race between a police officer and a state trooper? well, it isn't exactly a race. i want you to listen to this. >> and okay. stand by. stand by.
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put your hands out that window right now! put your hands out the window. >> i didn't. >> turn around, turn around. >> all right. >> turn around right now. turn around. do yourself a favor. >> ma'am -- i was on my way to off duty. but ma'am, ma'am. >> stand by. you got anything else in here? any off duty weapons? >> i'm working for a school, and i'm late for work. but other than that, i didn't know you was stopping me. >> sir! >> here's what happened. october 11th, this speeding miami police officer refused to pull over for a florida trooper leading her on a chase in excess of 120 miles per hour, and the
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officer's excuse when he was finally pulled over? at gunpoint. score this win for the florida highway patrol. sometimes a clearer line between good guy and bad guy. this high speed chase in texas was more than speeds of 125 miles per hour, and the suspect is accused of robbing a gas station with a rifle, and then speeding off. the cops caught up with the man and arrested him. ♪ you and me baby are stuck like glue ♪ >> sugarland returned to indiana for their first show since the deadly stage collapse at the state fair in august. [ screaming ] the country group was set to perform before ferocious winds caused the stage to collapse killing seven and injuring dozens more.
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fans say the free concert last night was healing. >> i feel like we're almost like completing something we started in august, and it is coming full circle, and i'm glad we get to carry it out tonight. >> the band perform performed in front of a capacity crowd around 18,000. money donated will go to the indiana state fair remembrance fund. an artifact that hasn't seen the light of day in about 300 years. here's what it looks like. we will tell you what it is after the break.
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oh, having a little fun here with jacqui jeras who is going to join us, because she is talking about a pirate's treasure brought up from the ocean floor. this week crews recovered a cannon from the pirate black beard's ship and she's going to tell us all about it. >> like when was that? he's looking at my notes from 1716 to 1718 was when he had his reign of terror, but you want to talk like a pirate now, halloween weekend, got to bring the pirates out kind of thing. >> i haven't had any sleep. don't make me be silly. so what happened? >> they brought up a huge cannon. it is one of 13 that they've actually brought up to the surface. this is off the coast of north carolina near buford. beafort would be the wind scale. it's been hundreds of years
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since this thing seen or felt oxygen. look how huge it is. eight feet long and guess how much it weighs? 2,000 pounds. >> oh, my gosh. >> 2,000 pounds. amazing. >> that took a crank to get it up there. look at all those barnacles and everything on there. >> quite a process. it will take four or five years to clean this up and restore it. the reason they wanted to bring it up is because there are 280,000 artifacts they have brought up and they found it in 1997 and know it is out there and a while, but they wanted to get the canon out because there are things underneath it and everybody wants to know the mystery of blackbeard's treasure, and are there any treasure or clues or hints or anything to find? well, they have found a couple of things. some of those artifacts. for example, they found some dishes. >> okay. >> some gold dust. >> gold dust. >> but all of that stuff, the dishes is worth a lot of money, because it is going to go into a museum i'm sure.
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>> yes, a lot of the stuff is on display of the north carolina maritime museum, and you can go there to check it out. >> this is what is brought up previously. >> yes, and the rest of it will be restored and put into the museum as well. >> 1 of 14 cannons, and that is amazing. and now to the sky. >> did you see the northern lights? >> i didn't know if i was seeing things or the northern lights. >> i thought i was seeing things in the sky. >> how cool is that? >> monday night and tuesday night and some people saw it wednesday night as well. it was a spectacular show in the aurora borealis, and my husband had texted me saying he had seen the aurora borealis over atlanta, and i said, you are crazy, but it is true. what is unique and made this rare not because it is so south,
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but because of the red glow, and that is what people were seeing from the south. so people were asking this week, jacqui, what makes it red and the colors that you see. so i looked it up. red is when all of the highly-charged electrons and the big blast from the sun -- i won't get too technical -- but the atoms when it hits oxygen, it is red and it is hundreds of miles above the earth's surface. >> and we should have asked aurora. that is your daughter's name? >> yes, she was named after it. >> and i thought that was overserved. thank you, jacqui. hi, aurora. >> she is sleeping. >> coming up, i want you the meet 7-year-old bobby montoya saying that his mother is raising him as a girl, because he likes to wear dresses and playing with dolls, and he also wants to join the girl scouts. we will tell you about it.
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i didn't pay a penny out of pocket for my power chair. with help from the scooter store, medicare and my insurance covered it all. call the scooter store for free information today. now to a story sending shock waves across a parenting world about a boy who wants to be a girl scout. the organization has turned him away. i asked psychologist dr. aldwin tart about the case of 7-year-old bobby montoya. >> a boy in colorado wants to be a girl scout and was initially
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turned away. the mother of bobby montoya, bobby montoya says her son likes dolls and girl clothes and wanted to join the girl scouts after seeing his sister in it. here's more from his mother. >> i said what's the big deal. >> she said it doesn't matter how he looks. he has boy parts. girl scouts don't allow that. i don't want to get in trouble by my supervisor. >> it was like somebody told me i can't like girl stuff. >> all right. so, is it damaging for the boy to be turned away or more damaging that the mother allows him to do this? >> absolutely. >> damaging that his mom allows him. >> first of all, he should not have been allowed entrance into the girl scouts. it's damaging for mom to allow him to express it to that level at this young age. he doesn't know who he is. he's not going to be accepted by boys and girls. so there are a number of kids now that grow up and they want to do things that girls do or boys want to do things that
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girls do, but the problem is that they are not really old enough to say who they are and identify that way. >> what is interesting is that i had this conversation in arkansas a couple of -- i did a speaking engagement there, and we talked about this exact thing that the little boy wanted to be a princess or something for halloween and most of the women said, allow him, and most of the men said they are too young and until he gets older and he can express himself in high school or college, fine, but at a certain age a parent has to be a parent and why would the dads think differently? >> well, a macho thing, but it is a slippery slope. >> well, it was not just macho, because gay men who said, no, don't let him do it. >> because you know how society is going to respond and that is what he is not prepared to be. and he is going to school and talking about being teased and bully and not accepted, and wait until he is older and say this is who he wants to be, because a kid is going to be who he is going to be, but at this age, he is being set up for a lot of
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rejection, and she can't go to school with him. >> that is the consensus of most of the people there. >> and i will tell you what the girl scouts of colorado said that kid who identifies as girls, quote, are welcome the join. they are welcome the join. a spokesman told cnn, i have heard of transgendered kids who are living as a girl. girl scouts should not be different for them. it is not clear if he will join, but the boy's grandmother told the daily news that the family will not allow bobby to go back to the troop. a blacklist that anybody would be honored to be on, and find out what it is after the break.
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so typically, no one wants to be blacklisted but that definitely isn't the case with the blacklist. a new exhibit in washington featuring portraits and interviews from 50 african-americans who have left a lasting mark on the world. look. >> i'm chris rock. >> susan rice. >> tyler perry. >> it's about achievement. it's about people who have done something extraordinary. >> the governor of massachusetts. >> made reproductive endocrinology and fertility specialist. >> composer, rapper. >> actor. >> unemployed. >> the blacklist was a way to take my portraits and bring them to life. >> i tell my students i expect
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for them to go out and change the world. >> almost like talking portraits. not just be the best surgeon but actually change the world. >> that's what i wanted to do. it's not about what they're wearing or anything, it's about the face, it's about the person. >> the word the blacklist is something that was considered negative. and repurposing that word and shining the light on positive african-americans, i couldn't be more proud to be part of this group. >> this list is not just about the people who were photographed but the symbolic meaning of their lives. >> maybe with my background of what i've done in fashion and socially, i think it was interesting to kind of throw me in the mix. >> you need to have someone like susan laurie parks and majora carter who is an environmentalist and activist to give a range of accomplishment. >> i'm probably one of the least well-known people on this list. it does show that there are people you may never hear of,
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but still play an incredible role and have such an impact on how our lives as americans are led. >> there are 50 portraits here. should there be 100? there should be 10,000, of course. and there are millions of stories. >> you can see the black list exhibit at the national portrait gallery in washington through april 22nd of next year. the occupy movement has been camped out in new york for weeks. but what's the end game? we'll tell you next.
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they have withstood political criticism for weeks and living outdoors, as well. but can the occupy wall street crowd endure snow and winter-like temperatures as well? that's a scene in new york's park. that was earlier today where protesters are gearing up for a cold, wet night right now. they were gearing up then and the cold night has set in. earlier i spoke to dorian warren about where the movement is headed. he is a professor of political science at columbia university. could the bad weather end up doing what the police and city officials couldn't, force the occupy protesters to go home? >> i don't think so. i think as we've seen from the footage earlier today, i think they're committed to staying out there through the snow, through the cold weather with or without
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generators. i think they're out to stay not only in that park, but across the country. >> we've seen several cities crack down, oakland, california, among the most dramatic. any signs the movement is fading? do you think it's still growing? >> i think it's still growing precisely because people are becoming more and more upset about the response of the police, for instance, to the protesters. i think the oakland incident has galvanized people even more so than it would have if there wasn't tear gas and other perceived forms of brutality against the protesters. >> again, we talk about the weather and what impact that will have on movement as the weather starts to get bad across the country, meaning colder and probably a lot of snow, a lot of inclement weather. we are looking at live pictures, and there's the radar right there. we saw chad myers out in york, pennsylvania, and susan candiotti in new york. and york got tons of snow, and new york about an inch and a half. when you're outside and don't
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have generators, that makes you cold. as i said, they can always go home but they are choosing to do this. we should be concerned about it. if it gets really bad, their lives could be at risk. >> yes. >> a lot of people compare this movement to the protests of the 1960s. do you think that's an accurate comparison? >> i don't. i think the more accurate comparison is of the 1890s and 1930s populist movements. those movements had three key features that i think the occupy wall street movement has. the first was a focus on the common man or the common woman against the tiny elite. we are the 99%% mean actually corresponds to that historic function of populism saying we are the common people against the elite. the second element of populism has to do with the demands that people make, and in this case, the protesters are pointing attention to wall street and saying, economic inequality has
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grown too much and the political system is broken. so the third element then is to restore democracy, to restore some balance in the political system so that the rules aren't rigged against those common people that are working hard everyday and just trying to get by. >> so here is my question, and you know, people say, oh, well, it doesn't really have a concise message and what's the message? what do they really want? and i think in the end what you just said that is what they want, but at some point, even the tea party for a recent comparison had to take the movement into the political system in order to evoke some change, right? in order to make some change, you have to do it through the legislation and government, and how much of an impact can they have by sitting in parks at all over the country, and at some point don't you have to have legislation, and make changes in laws and those sorts of things so that the behavior they believe is happening doesn't happen anymore? >> absolutely.
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but, let's remember actually the good example of here is the civil rights movement. the montgomery bus boycott began in 1955, and five years later in 1960, student sit-ins at lunch counters, and so to big gain didn't come until the 1965 voting rights act, and civil rights act, and so that is almost a decade after the key moments that started the movement for the civil rights movement, and we are only five weeks into occupy wall street. we have to wait longer to see how the movement evolves and grows and not just in the country, but around the country. >> you are right, but to think it will take a decade in this day and time with how quickly we can wait a little bit, but we will see. professor, thank you for joining us. let's check the headlines
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right now. three people have died in a snowstorm rolling across the northeast, and 1.8 million without power. states of emergency have been declared in new jersey, massachusetts and connecticut. the cold snowy weather did not keep a group of lucky kids from trick or treating at the white house. there they are with the president and the first lady hosting the annual event two days bf the actual holiday and greeted local school kids with goody bags imprinted with the presidential seal. and live pictures there it is with the white house bathed in orange light celebrate halloween and the trick or treating ceremony there. emotional scene at rutgers' university as one of the injured football players returned to the football field.


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